The 5 Levels of Extuity

A new theory of 'time' outlined in 5 levels of understanding

Theory of Extuity

Summarised in...

5 Levels


The following five levels represent progressively deeper levels of understanding of ‘time’, culminating in a reality-changing, humanity-redefining new theory of time.

Remember, this is an extremely simplified one-page summary of a 260-page book. For a deeper understanding, please read the original 7-level book.

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Let's Dive In...


Time's invisibility cloak.

How 'time' is an illusion.

The false belief

Humanity believes ‘time’ ticks identically everywhere and for everyone. It’s a cloak of illusion created by the invention of clocks and calendars.

The reality

Clocks represent Earth’s spin. They only quantify Earth’s spin energy. ‘Time’ is a misleading and failed attempt to quantify all flow of energy around us. Different energies flow at different rates. Time is different everywhere and for everything.

For example...

Ages are illusions. Your age in “Earth Time” does not accurately reflect your “Biological Clock”, your “Human Time”. Two people aged 30 aren’t the same ‘age’ as their energies don’t flow identically. People look are older or younger than their age.


Time flows differently for every entity. A specific flow of time is a specific flow of energy. Time flow is energy flow. Energy frozen is time frozen. Time is energy. It is fragmented, nested, layered. It dilates and fluctuates. It is not constant. It is not universal. There is not 'one' flow of energy, hence not 'one' flow of time.

Time is energy. While appearing controversial at first, “Time is energy” is a definition that can be universally applied to every school of thought – Physics, Psychology, Philosophy, Theology, Spirituality – further explaining how they have such differing views of ‘time’, because they are focused on different forms of energy.

In the book...

Timeline vs Timewave

A 'timeline' is a misleading representation of 'time'; a 'timewave' is the correct model. Timewaves are elastic waves of energy that can be unique to each and every entity in the universe.
Not timelines. Timewaves.

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Timeless energy.

When scientists broke time.

The false belief

Humanity believes 'time' is sequential, that events occur in the order we see them, in sequence. It's an illusion created by observed energies.

The reality

In 1972, Quantum Entanglement originally proved energies can instantaneously 'talk' across potentially-infinite space. In 2012, Temporal Quantum Entanglement then proved energies can 'talk' across time in either direction.

In other words...

Not all energies have to 'flow' or 'move' to reach a future point, they can transcend the flow and be instantaneously connected to a point in its future or past. The foundation of time is not strictly sequential and may be non-linear.


Energies can be 'synchronised' across their flow of time, or put simply, energies can time travel, raising a critical question: Which energies inherit this timeless characteristic? Is it applicable to any biological energies?

Energies can time travel. While this sounds remarkable to the point of disbelief, it has remained a stale discovery of Quantum Mechanics as no applicable example has been identified in our reality, nor an experience humans can relate to, until now... let's continue...

In the book...

Time Helix

With multiple energies flowing around you, you are never on just one timewave, you are on multiple. Layers of timewaves result in
the "Time Helix", the DNA of time.

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Forgotten ancient energy.

The obscure human energy.

The false belief

Humanity in the western world believes emotions are purely psychological, experienced only in our minds. It's a misdirection from biased education.

The reality

When you experience fear, you feel a dropping sensation in your gut. Love, a warm sensation around your heart. Nerves, 'butterflies' in your stomach. Emotions are labels for our energetic states, specifically our bioelectrical energy.

In other words...

Emotions are the bioelectrical energy firing through our nervous system, described as our ‘feelings’ as they can be physically felt. It's a unique energy flow auto-translated into thoughts.


Emotions are energies beyond just bioelectricity. All electrical energy is directly connected to electromagnetic fields, which is quantum energy, raising another question: Could emotions be connected to the timeless quantum phenomena?

Emotions are energies. The flow of time is the flow of energy. Emotions are energies. Emotions are humanity’s misunderstood key to understanding our flow through time.

In the book...

Time Dilation

Time flies by in joyful moments and drags by in depression. Intense stress ages people much quicker, while purpose-driven and joyful lives do the opposite and significantly extend lifetimes. Emotional energies affect our personal time flow; Biological Time Dilation.

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Our undefined ability.

Humanity's greatest misunderstanding.

The false belief

'Intuition' is defined as "the immediate apprehension by the mind without any reasoning process", stating what it is not, like defining a 'table' as "not a chair".

The reality

Intuition is either Spatially Nonlocal, e.g. when we feel the death of a loved one at a different point in space, or Temporally Nonlocal, e.g. a gut feeling of danger at a future point in time. Intuition is 'felt', a 'feeling' across space or time.

In other words...

Emotions are at the heart of 'feeling' intuition. It's emotional energies connected across space or time, somehow a form of "Biological Quantum Entanglement". We can feel emotions from our future selves, verified by independent research.


Intuition is receiving a datastream of emotional energies from different points in time. Emotions transcend time. Decoding emotions received from intuition is humanity's secret key to transcending and navigating time.

Emotions transcend time. Emotions are unique energies that are directly connected to our mind. By decoding the thoughts influenced by emotion – our opinions and preferences – we can decode, isolate, and read the energetic datastream from our future selves.

In the book...

Choice Points

Every "Choice Point" in our Time Map indicates different futures. These can be consciously navigated with conscious awareness of
intuitive energies felt from either path.

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Humanity's unknown ability.

The missing link

Intuition is the ability to receive emotional energies. What’s received has to have been sent. 'Intuition' has an opposite.

Logical deduction

Internal, external. Intrinsic, extrinsic. Interior, exterior. So, Intuition... Extuition. Intuition is the ability of receiving emotional energies across time. Extuition is the ability of sending emotional energies across time.

To clarify...

"Intuity" is one’s ability to intuit, or be intuitive, meaning "extuity" is one’s ability to extuit, or be extuitive. Extuity is an undiscovered human ability that unveils how our futures program our personalities, opinions, principles, and more.


The Theory of Extuity: "All emotions radiate outwards from the point in time it is experienced and can be felt at any other point in time, with an energy proportional to the strength of the emotion and inversely proportional to the distance of time between them."

Extuity Formula Extuity's connection to our subconscious mind via our emotions proposes a reality where phenomena like coincidence, love at first sight, gut feelings, deja vu, the Mandela effect and more are expected normalities of the human experience, and further suggests a technique similar to 'prayer', 'visualisation' and 'manifestation' that can alter, redirect and even create new paths through time.

In the book...

Fusion Points

Every "Fusion Point" in our Time Map indicates different pasts. These are responsible for the inexplicable experiences of deja vu
and the Mandela effect.

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Once upon a time...

Humanity believed the earth, the physical world, was flat. Then, the Theory of Gravity was discovered. Today, humanity believes time, the energetic world, is flat. Now, the Theory of Extuity has been discovered. Extuitive energies pull us towards specific points in time, exactly how gravity pulls us towards specific points in space. Understanding extuity is the key to navigating through time, quicker or slower,
in any direction we like. Discover the full 7 levels of extuity in the book.

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Be the first.

Based on this discovery, I'm creating the Extuity: Practical Guide and even an Intuition Calculator. To stay updated, download the Extuity newspushes app or follow @extuity on socials.



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